Bee Better Certified®
The Food Industry’s Only Third-Party Verified Pollinator Conservation Eco-Label

Bee Better Certified® is the only third-party verified eco-label that certifies pollinator and biodiversity conservation on farms.
The Bee Better Certified seal gives consumers confidence that their purchasing decisions benefit pollinators, reward conservation-minded farmers, and incentivize the incorporation of pollinator conservation into product supply chains. Together we can make the world better for bees!
Launched in 2017, Bee Better Certified has grown to tens-of-thousands of certified acres, with mainstream products such as fresh produce and organic almondmilk now displaying the Bee Better seal nationwide in retailers such as Kroger’s, Trader Joes, and Costco.
Join The Movement

Consumers: Why Shop Bee Better
The Bee Better Certified seal indicates that certified ingredients were independently verified to have been grown in ways that support bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. When you buy Bee Better Certified products, you can be confident that your purchasing decisions directly benefit farms that prioritize pollinator conservation.

Farmers: Why Bee Better
Bee Better Certification is designed for all types of operations, whether conventional or organic, large or small. It is even appropriate for crops that are not pollinator dependent. Learn more about what certification would look like for your operation and become part of the Bee Better movement.

Companies: The Bee Better Seal
Sustainable products continue to be a major growth sector for agricultural commodities. The Bee Better Certified Seal lets consumers know that your company values pollinator and biodiversity conservation by directly supporting farms implementing regenerative agricultural practices.
Photos (from top): Emily Balius; Cameron Newell / Xerces Society; California Giant Berry Farms
Pollinators Need Our Help

Bees and other pollinators are important parts of terrestrial ecosystems and they pollinate many of the foods we depend on, yet they face serious threats.
Loss of habitat, exposure to pesticides, and spread of diseases are causing significant declines. Bee Better Certified provides farmers and food companies with a framework to reduce these threats to pollinators.
Photo: Cameron Newell / Xerces Society
About the Xerces Society

For the past decade, Xerces’ Pollinator Program has partnered with land managers, farmers, researchers and the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) across the US to implement and evaluate habitat targeted at enhancing pollinator populations and bolstering crop production.
By using applied research, engaging in advocacy, providing educational resources, and addressing policy implications, the Xerces Society endeavors to make meaningful long-term conservation a reality.